Besides all the other irons we have in the fire, we also raise beef cattle on our farm, Triple J Farms. We named it after our 3 sons. So far we have had 7 babies with 2 more due. It is a fun, but stressful time; you don't know if they are going to have problems birthing, troubles eating, or get sick. This year has gone pretty good; a few bumps in the road but that is expected. We even had twin boys, a first for us! The babies are so cute when they are little and are a favorite of mine to photograph. Here are a few of the babies. Enjoy!
I love this little guys markings! One of the twins.

The other twin.
Playing in the hay.
Our bull on a foggy morning.
A few hours old.
This one is our orphan calf. She is so lovable, she rubs on you like a dog would.
Everybody knows what the grain bucket is! This is the twins.